Do you feel alone and lost in a busy and noisy world? Many of us do and as a result although we seek to connect to our authentic selves, life’s challenges often keep us disconnected and therefore frustrated and unsatisfied.
This disconnection can make us feel that there is something not quite right with the way we are living, even though the opportunities for conscious self-discovery have in fact never been more available in the history of humanity.
If you find yourself asking, “how can I be a little bit more honest with myself, more courageous in facing my illusions?”, then you may want to explore biographical counseling.
My name is Alexandre and I'm a biographical counselor. This is an interactive therapeutic tool developed from the philosophies of Rudolph Steiner. Biographical counseling offers an alternative to modern psychoanalysis by placing our personal biography into the center of our spiritual initiation, rather than framing it as a symptomatic and even problematic experience. Biography counseling frames our lives as journeys wherein our pains and traumas are not judged as ‘negatives’ but rather as realities that nevertheless offer us opportunities for deep reflection and personal growth. They are not our failures or necessarily the failures of our surroundings; they are the gateways to our real strengths and the hidden path to our authentic selves.

I'm the father of three young boys and I live in Kibbutz Harduf with my wife Maureen. I'm 41 years old and for the last seven years I have been studying and practicing Biography Counseling. Indeed, this method has been central to my own inner work that has enabled me to make emotional and spiritual sense of my life in a manner that has been uniquely liberating and transformative. I have had a rather unusual life but everything that happened to me as made me who I am today.
I was born in Brussels, Belgium, and my life path took me through many changes. I was raised in a Buddhist environment, I studied cinema, traveled around the world, met different spiritual streams and teachers, from Vedanta to non-duality but I ultimately found a place that fits my inner spiritual thirst in studying Anthroposophy; the philosophy and spiritual teaching of Rudolph Steiner (https://waldorfanswers.org/Anthroposophy.htm).

lets MEET
Together through an active, down to earth and highly empathetic approach we explore your biography from your birth to the present. I'm ready to accompany you on a life-changing journey of self-discovery.
Meetings can be done in Hebrew, French or English in Tel Aviv on Wednesdays and in Kibbutz Harduf the rest of the week.
Gsm: 0506569188 Home: 049059317
· I'm a graduated student and recognized practitionner from the school Seals (Cahotam) in Israel.
· I'm working as a Biograph in Tal Hama in Harduf, it's an initiative for people with Cancer and
chronic diseases. https://www.facebook.com/talhamaharduf/
· I was working in Beit Elisha for ten years.
https://www.eng.kamah.org.il/--cock , https://www.kamah.org.il/--cock
· I'm a graduated student in film editing and cinema from INSAS in Bruxelles. https://insas.be/